The nominative is the easiest case in German and also the one dictionaries use as the standard form of nouns, adjectives, articles…and refers to the subject of the sentence. The teacher went to school, “The teacher” is the subject of the sentence, and therefore “The teacher” is nominative.
So it will take the nominative form in German, which is “Der Lehrer”.
Below is a table of some forms of Nominative, you will only know the difference when you will go through the 3 other cases (accusative, Dative, Genitive).
German Nominative Case
Definite Articles
Der, die, das, die (they all means the)
Indefinite Articles
Ein, Eine, Ein (they all mean a, an)
Personal Pronouns
Ich, du, er, sie, wir, ihr, sie. (I, you, he, she...)
Adjectives (masc., fem, neuter, plural)
Weißer, weiße, weißes, weiße
(all these forms mean white)
These are just some examples to show the nominative form of some elements such as articles, pronouns, adjectives. Note that the nominative case can be used in a much wider scope such as in Nouns, interrogative pronouns…what comes next will help you notice the difference between Nominative and what the other 3 German cases.
German Accusative
Now we will learn the second case in German which is the accusative, the good news is that apart from the masculine, the other 2 genders + the plural (feminine, neuter and plural) look just like the Nominative. Now let’s learn what the accusative really is. The accusative case is considered the direct object. I see the teacher, “the teacher” is the direct object of the sentence, and therefore would take the accusative form, and since “the teacher” is masculine it will become in German “den Lehrer” and not “der Lehrer” as in the nominative case. I see the teacher = Ich sehe den Lehrer.
German Accusative Case
Definite Articles
Den, die, das, die (they all means the)
Indefinite Articles
Einen, Eine, Ein (they all mean a, an)
Personal Pronouns
mich, dich, ihn, sie, uns, euch, sie. (me, you, him, her...)
Adjectives (masc., fem, neuter, plural)
Weißen, weiße, weißes, weiße (all these forms mean white)
Let’s get adjectives involved as well. I see the young teacher = ich sehe den jungen Lehrer. Young in German is jung, but since we’re using the accusative case, then the adjective should copy the article it follows, which is “den/ the” = masculine, so “den jungen”. If you look at the table above you will understand why we added “en” after the adjective “jung”. Now let’s get personal pronouns involved. I see him = ich sehe ihn. Easy, isn’t it!
The accusative case has four functions.
1) Direct object
The direct object of a sentence is the person, thing, entity, or idea that is acted upon by the subject. It answers the question: What or whom does the subject
EXAMPLES: Wir sehen einen Film.
We're watching a film.
"A film" is the direct object. It is what the subject "we" is watching.
Martha trinkt viel Kaffee.
Martha drinks a lot of coffee.
"Coffee" is the direct object. It is what the subject "Martha" drinks.
Mein Chef hat eine Schwester.
My boss has a sister. A sister" is the direct object. It is what the subject "my boss" has.
2) Object of an accusative preposition
The object of an accusative preposition must be in the accusative case. These are the prepositions in German whose noun objects are always in the accusative case:
bis until pro per
durch through ohne without
für for um around; at (with time)
gegen against wider against
EXAMPLES: Er fuhr gegen einen Baum.
He drove into a tree.
"A tree" is the object of the accusative preposition gegen.
Ohne dich kann ich nicht leben.
I can't live without you.
"You" is the object of the accusative preposition ohne.
Sie arbeitet schwer für das Geld.
She works hard for the money. "The money" is the object of the accusative preposition für.
For more information on prepositions, see the German prepositions page.
3) Object of a two-way preposition
Two-way prepositions are named as such because their objects are sometimes in the dative case and sometimes in the accusative case. Here are the two-way prepositions:
an to, toward, onto (a vertical surface) über across; about
auf to, toward, onto (a horizontal surface) unter (to a place) under
hinter (to a place) behind vor (to a place) in front of
in in, into zwischen (to a place) between
neben (to a place) beside
When two-way prepositions are used with the accusative case, they (1) designate a change of location or destination of movement, or (2) are in idiomatic expressions requiring the use of the accusative.
EXAMPLES of 2-WAY PREPOSITIONS + ACCUSATIVE to indicate DESTINATIONS: Sie geht gerade in die Bank.
She is going into the bank.
"Into the bank" is a destination of movement, hence in takes the acc.
Ich setzte mich neben ihn.
I sat down next to him.
"Next to him" is a destination of movement, hence neben uses acc.
Grete wartet auf ihren Vater.
Grete is waiting for her father. "Her father" is the acc.object of auf because the idiom warten auf requires the use of the
In addition to the meanings listed , the two-way prepositions + accusative have a wide range of idiomatic meanings, as the last example above shows: warten auf (+ acc.) = to wait for. For a list of such common idiomatic expressions in German and their English equivalents, see the page on verb + preposition combinations.
For more information on prepositions, see the German prepositions page.
4) Expressions of definite time
Expressions of specific time that are (1) not adverbs (e.g., heute, morgen, gestern) and (2) not governed by a preposition (e.g., um vier Uhr, seit letztem Jahr, am Donnerstag) take the accusative case.
EXAMPLES: Wir gehen jeden Freitag einkaufen.
We go shopping every Friday.
"Every Friday" is an expression of definite time that does not use a prep.
Dieses Wochenende kommt Jens.
Jens is coming this weekend.
"This weekend" is an expression of definite time that does not use a prep.
Nouns and pronouns in the ACCUSATIVE CASE
Finally, here are some examples of nouns and pronouns in the accusative case. Words and endings in red indicate a form that differs from the corresponding nominative case form.
Nouns Personal Pronouns
masculine feminine neuter plural
den Onkel
diesen Onkel
einen Onkel
keinen Onkel
unseren Onkel
die Tante
diese Tante
eine Tante
keine Tante
unsere Tante
das Buch
dieses Buch
ein Buch
kein Buch
unser Buch die Kinder
diese Kinder
keine Kinder
unsere Kinder mich
ihn, sie, es
Sie, sie
German Dative
Now things will get serious because the dative case is very important in German, and it also changes in all the 3 genders + the plural (masculine, feminine, neuter and plural). But first let’s learn what the Dative means. The Dative in German is just like the indirect object in English, or in other words, it’s like the receiver of the direct object. So for example: I give the book to him, “I” is the subject of the sentence, “the book” is the direct object, and “him” is the receiver, therefore also called the indirect object, in which we’re interested when it comes to the dative case.
German Dative Case
Definite Articles
Dem, der, dem, den (they all means to the)
Indefinite Articles
Einem, Einer, Einem (they all mean to a, to an)
Personal Pronouns
mir, dir, ihm, ihr, uns, euch, ihnen. (to me, to you, to him, to her...)
Adjectives (masc., fem, neuter)
Weißen, weißen, weißen, weißen(all these forms mean to white)
Usually the equivalent of the dative case in English would include “to”, like our example above, I give the book to him, I send it to him, I show it to him… but in German that “to” is usually included in the expression used, for example “to him = ihm” “to the = dem” …so it’s not that complicated after all.
The dative case has four functions:
1) Indirect object
The indirect object of a sentence is the being (usually a person, but sometimes a pet or an inanimate object) for whose benefit the subject is acting upon the direct object.. It answers the question: To or for whom does the subject
EXAMPLES: Wir backen euch einen Kuchen.
We're baking you a cake.
We're baking a cake for you.
"You" (pl). answers for whom the subject "we" is baking a cake.
Erik erzählt seinen Brüdern Witze.
Erik is telling his brothers jokes.
Erik is telling jokes to his brothers.
"His brothers" answers to whom the subject "Erik" is telling jokes.
Den Touristen zeigt er die Kirche.
He shows the tourists the church.
He shows the church to the tourists. "The tourists" answers to whom the subject "he" is showing the church.
Note that the dative case, when it denotes an indirect object in the sentence, can be and often is rendered into English using the preposition to or for. Because the dative case in German includes the meanings of these prepositions, those prepositions are not needed in German to designate the indirect object.
Note also that a sentence cannot have an indirect object unless it first has a direct object. The indirect object is by definition to or for whom the subject does something to a direct object.
2) Object of a dative verb or dative construction
A number of verbs, adjectives, and idiomatic expressions require a dative object in German. The following verbs require a dative object and will never have an accusative object.
antworten to answer imponieren to impress
begegnen to encounter Leid tun to be sorry
danken to thank nutzen to be useful to
dienen to serve passen to suit
drohen to threaten passieren to happen to
ein•fallen to occur to reichen to be enough
fehlen to be missing schaden to damage
folgen to follow schmecken to taste
gefallen to be pleasing to schwer•fallen to be difficult for
gehören to belong to vertrauen to trust
gelingen to succeed verzeihen to forgive
glauben to believe weh•tun to hurt
gratulieren to congratulate widersprechen to contradict
helfen to help zu•hören to listen to
EXAMPLES: Hilfst du mir mit der Hausaufgabe?
Will you help me with the homework?
"Me" is the object of the dative verb helfen.
Der Hund folgte dem Kind nach Hause.
The dog followed the child home.
"The child" is the object of the dative verb folgen.
Das Geld reicht uns nicht.
The money is not enough for us. "Us" is the object of the dative verb reichen.
Like dative indirect objects, the objects of dative verbs normally refer to persons. In the few instances where the verb objects are impersonal, they take the accusative case.
Ich glaube dir (dat.).
I believe you.
Ich glaube die Geschichte (acc.).
I believe the story.
Er verzeiht mir nie (dat.).
He'll never forgive me. Er verzeiht den Fehler nie (acc.).
He'll never forgive the mistake.
In addition to the dative verbs, a number of adjectives and other idiomatic phrases are commonly used with dative objects. Here are some of them:
ähnlich similar gleich same
angenehm pleasant leicht easy
begreiflich understandable nützlich useful
behilflich helpful peinlich embarrassing
bekannt known schädlich damaging
bequem comfortable teuer expensive
dankbar thankful verwandt related
fremd foreign willkommen welcome
Notice in the examples below that the dative objects that accompany these adjectives are often rendered in English with an accompanying "to" or "for". There is no need to add an additional preposition to the German sentence, since these meanings are included when the noun or pronoun is declined in the dative case.
EXAMPLES: Sie ist ihrem Vater sehr ähnlich.
She is very similar to her father. "(To) her father" is the dative object of the adjective "similar".
Dieses Bett ist mir zu teuer.
This bed is too expensive for me.
"(For) me" is the dative object of the adjective "expensive".
Der Name war ihm sehr bekannt.
The name was well-known to him. "(To) him" is the dative object of the adjective "known".
3) Object of a dative preposition
The object of an dative preposition must be in the dative case. These are the prepositions in German whose noun objects are always in the dative case:
aus out of, from nach to, after, according to
außer except for seit since, for (+ time period)
bei at, with von from, by
gegenüber opposite, in relation to zu to
mit with; by means of
EXAMPLES: Wir fahren mit der Bahn.
We're traveling by train.
"The train" is the object of the dative preposition mit.
Außer dir waren alle dabei.
Besides you, everyone was there.
"You" is the object of the dative preposition außer.
Sie wohnt bei ihren Großeltern.
She's living with her grandparents. "Her grandparents" is the object of the dative preposition bei.
For more information on prepositions, see the German prepositions page.
4) Object of a two-way preposition
Two-way prepositions are named as such because their objects are sometimes in the dative case and sometimes in the accusative case. Here are the two-way prepositions:
an at, on (a vertical surface) über above, over
auf at, on (a horizontal surface) unter under
hinter behind vor in front of; before
in in zwischen between
neben beside
When two-way prepositions are used with the dative case, they (1) designate a location, or (2) are in idiomatic expressions requiring the use of the dative.
EXAMPLES of 2-WAY PREPOSITIONS + DATIVE to indicate LOCATIONS: Sie sitzt gerade in der Bank.
She's sitting in the bank.
"In the bank" is a location describing where "she" is, hence in takes the dat.
Ich sitze neben ihn.
I am sitting next to him.
"Next to him" is the location where the subject "I" is sitting, hence neben uses dat.
Grete hat Angst vor ihrem Vater.
Grete is afraid of her father. "Her father" is the dat.object of vor because the idiom Angst haben vor requires the use of the
In addition to the meanings listed , the two-way prepositions + dative have a range of idiomatic meanings, as the last example above shows: Angst haben vor (+ dat.) = to be afraid of. For a list of such common idiomatic expressions in German and their English equivalents, see the page on verb + preposition combinations.
Nouns and pronouns in the DATIVE CASE
Finally, here are some examples of nouns and pronouns in the dative case. Words and endings in red indicate a change in form from the accusative.
dem Onkel
diesem Onkel
einem Onkel
keinem Onkel
unserem Onkel
der Tante
dieser Tante
einer Tante
keiner Tante
unserer Tante
neuterdem Buch
diesem Buch
einem Buch
keinem Buch
unserem Buch
den Kindern
diesen Kindern
keinen Kindern
unseren Kindern
Personal Pronouns
mir,dir ihm, ihr, ihm, uns ,euch ,hnen, ihnen